The Hands & Feet Food Pantry ministry here at Sandusky offers a food pantry each month on the 3rd Sunday . It is open from Noon til 2 pm. This is a food pantry for residents living in the Tulsa area. You must show proof of residence and photo ID. You can receive food no more than once a month.
We are also and emergency pantry during the week. You must call (918.834.4427) for an appointment. Be sure and check in at the main office when you arrive.
How You Can Help The Pantry?
Some people feel led to contribute with monetary donations, purchasing food, some with investing their time and others choose to do all three. You may participate in any way you choose. You may contribute in several ways:
1. You may purchase food. (canned goods, boxed staple items etc.)
2. Donate monetarily to the ministry to puirchase
3. Volunteer during food distribution on the 3rd Sunday of each month.
4. Donate funds specifically to the ministry to help purchase food and other items.
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News.”
Romans 10:15
If you would like to volunteer in the food pantry or helping with sack lunches you can contact the office at 918-834-4427.